ghost fleet
GHOST FLEET features remarkable abolitionist Patima Tungpuchyakul who scours remote islands for men who jumped ship to escape slavery at sea. The film follows Patima and her team of survivors-turned-rescuers as they find these lost men and reconnect them with their families.
The Emmy-nominated feature documentary and VR project have appeared at Sundance, the Telluride, Toronto and Berlin International Film Festivals. GHOST FLEET on Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Delta Airlines.
In collaboration with Oceana and Fishwise, the GHOST FLEET team used the film to create worldwide impact. GHOST FLEET’s impact campaign travelled to every major seafood conference, the United Nations, the UNHDC, the Thai government, U.S. congress and the boardrooms of major corporations globally. Together with activists, unions and organizers, GHOST FLEET helped make slavery-at-sea a whole of government initiative for the Biden White House and helped put labor at the center of fishing and seafood agendas globally.
In addition to streaming, GHOST FLEET continues to play festivals and is used by education groups around the world.